16 Haziran 2014 Pazartesi

Logo Designs from Visual Arts

In Visual Arts lesson,logo designs were done to be determined for the project.Students,accompanied by our teacher Nurseven Koç,prepared many beautiful logos including the logos of Greek and Spanish team.By this way,our logos turned into a visual work out of virtual platform.

Görsel Sanatlardan Logo Tasarımları:

Okulumuz Görsel Sanatlar dersinde projemiz için belirlenen logo tasarımları yapıldı. Nurseven KOÇ öğretmenimiz eşliğinde çalışmalar yapan öğrencilerimiz ortak okullarımız olan Yunan ve İspanyol ekibinin de logoları dahil olmak üzere birbirinden güzel Logolar hazırladırlar. Böylece logolarımız sanal ortamın dışında görsel bir çalışmaya da dönüşmüş oldu.

We Are Designing From Food Supplies Figures

Many workshops are done in Visual Design lesson for food culture which is the main aim of our project. Children, guided by our teacher Tugba Aldemir, made colorful designs using food supplies such as necklace, earring and bracelets. They gave them to Spanish and Greek students as a gift.

Yemek Malzemeleri Figürlerinden Tasarım Yapıyoruz:

Okulumuz Teknoloji Tasarım dersinde projemizin ana gayesi olan yemek kültürü üzerine çalışmalar yapıldı. Tuğba Aldemir öğretmenimiz eşliğinde çalışmalar yapan öğrencilerimiz, yemek malzemeleri figürlerinden Kolye, Künye, Küpe gibi birbirinden renkli tasarımlar yaptılar. Yaptıkları bu tasarımları Yunan ve İspanyol öğrencilerine hediye ettiler.

14 Haziran 2014 Cumartesi

Questionaries About Project Goals


Here are some tips about the Turkish diet habits:


ü  Children usually drink milk or fruit juice as a drink in breakfast

ü  Cheese, yogurt, olive and egg are most consumed in breakfast

ü  Adults drink tea at breakfast time


Small meal (we call it “Beslenme saati” from the word “Besin”):

ü  At least a fruit is consumed

ü  At least a fruit juice is drunk

ü  As a dessert a cake is eaten generally

Lunch: We have lunch late, at about 1 or 2 o’clock.

ü  Heavy food are not preferred at lunch

ü   Lunch food are salad oriented

ü  Pita kinds are often consumed at lunch

ü  Food including bulghur and rice are preferred as lunch

ü  Ligth dessert are eaten after lunch


Around 5 o’clock:

For Turkish people 4 to 6 o’clock is considered to be afternoon.


ü  We eat something sweet, like cake

ü  We drink tea or coffee



Turkish people eat dinner late, usually after 7:30 o’clock.


ü   Kinds of soup are consumed before the main course.

ü  The main courses are mostly with meat and heavy.

ü   Generally “Ayran” is drunk with the meal as a drink

ü   The main courses are enriched with plenty kinds of salad.

After Dinner:

For Turkish people 8 to 10 o’clock is considered to be after dinner.

ü  We eat something dessert, like rice pudding, baked semolina, baklava

ü  Some people prefer fruits after dinner

ü  Turkish coffee is served with Turkish delight

ü  When there are guests at home, Turkish people love to serve “Baklava” after dinner