14 Haziran 2014 Cumartesi


Here are some tips about the Turkish diet habits:


ü  Children usually drink milk or fruit juice as a drink in breakfast

ü  Cheese, yogurt, olive and egg are most consumed in breakfast

ü  Adults drink tea at breakfast time


Small meal (we call it “Beslenme saati” from the word “Besin”):

ü  At least a fruit is consumed

ü  At least a fruit juice is drunk

ü  As a dessert a cake is eaten generally

Lunch: We have lunch late, at about 1 or 2 o’clock.

ü  Heavy food are not preferred at lunch

ü   Lunch food are salad oriented

ü  Pita kinds are often consumed at lunch

ü  Food including bulghur and rice are preferred as lunch

ü  Ligth dessert are eaten after lunch


Around 5 o’clock:

For Turkish people 4 to 6 o’clock is considered to be afternoon.


ü  We eat something sweet, like cake

ü  We drink tea or coffee



Turkish people eat dinner late, usually after 7:30 o’clock.


ü   Kinds of soup are consumed before the main course.

ü  The main courses are mostly with meat and heavy.

ü   Generally “Ayran” is drunk with the meal as a drink

ü   The main courses are enriched with plenty kinds of salad.

After Dinner:

For Turkish people 8 to 10 o’clock is considered to be after dinner.

ü  We eat something dessert, like rice pudding, baked semolina, baklava

ü  Some people prefer fruits after dinner

ü  Turkish coffee is served with Turkish delight

ü  When there are guests at home, Turkish people love to serve “Baklava” after dinner

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